A cherished moment

This is probably going to be a fairly heavy blog post so I’m not even sure how to start it. I wanted to explain how important photos are to me and why I think they are an important thing for everyone, however the answer to that isn’t very simple for me.

The last year has been difficult for many reasons, but the biggest reason is experiencing a type grief that I’ve never experienced before, one that I thought wouldn’t hit me quite as hard as it has.

It’s coming up to a year since I lost one of the most beautiful friends I’ve known and with that is coming a lot of reflection. I met Stace only around 3 years ago when I joined her and the team at eleven tattoo and she instantly became my closest friend there. We shared a lot in common and always had amazing chats in the morning before the chaos of the day started. I know that I could have told her absolutely anything and she would be there, she was my biggest cheer leader, and I hope I was hers too.

I’d also like to point out that she was a super talented and published writer, and she would be fully editing and critiquing these blog posts for me haha.

A digital painting I created in memory of Stace and all her beloved animals.

Finding out that Stace was poorly was heart breaking and since we lost her I don’t think I’ve been the same. I’ve dealt with grief before, but somehow this feels so different. Not only am I grieving for her, but I’m grieving the friendship and experiences we never got to have.

A big part of grief that I’ve struggled with has been living with regrets. Feeling like I didn’t do enough with the time that we did have. I should have been to see her more, we should have watched all the films and shows we wanted to, the list could go on forever. But I can’t change any of that, I can only cherish the moments that we did have together. However, one of the regrets that I hate the most is that I don’t have even one photo with her. It breaks my heart.

And that is exactly why photos are so important. It’s one of the only things I could have left, a physical memory of a person or place. Something to cherish when you just want to see that person again, or relive a moment. A photo captures all of that.

The whole experience of this last year has changed my outlook on so many things. It’s made me question why I wait for anything, in her own little way, Stace has inspired me to create and live every day to the fullest, take chances, do the things I‘ve always wanted to do, right now, because what am I waiting for?

I hope that I can be as big of an inspiration as her one day, and I strive to be as strong and as kind as her everyday. I’ll cherish every single moment from now on and every single friendship, and I will take a million photos.

So this is your friendly reminder to take that photo. The next time you see your friends or family, get a camera out and take a picture, it doesn’t even matter how you look, just take the photo. Because one day it might be one of your most cherished memories.

And to Stace, I love you and I miss you, always 🖤


Self reflection and progression


Taking the plunge